OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00012
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Keith Wolf (541) 704-2314
Contact Date: 06/05/2008
Contacted By: KELLEY, KAREN (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: SWTR
Disinfection Byproducts
Details: SUMMARY: On-site assistance with CT Calculations DETAILS: John Adams called the Portland office to get assistance in understanding and completing the CT portion of the monthly operating report. Both Gregg Baird and Kari Salis assisted John over the phone. I met with John, Keith Wolf, and Jim Young at the Vine Street Plant on 6/5/2008. We reviewed the manual CT calculation process and also looked into the computerized calculation for "CT Required" set up for the plant by CH2MHill. There is a discrepency between the calculation used by their spreadsheet and the calculation Drinking Water Program engineers use. The DWP will look into the other available calculations, including the one our circuit riders use, HBH Consulting Engineers. In addition, I confirmed for Albany staff that the Albany-Millersburg Joint WTP is rated at 2.5 log removal of giardia and 2.0 log removal of crypto. This puts Albany at needing to meet only a 0.5 log inactivation of giardia for their disinfection process. Keith also informed me that due to a scheduling problem, TOC/Alkalinity was not collected for the plants in April. May data is available, but will be reported late. ACTION NEEDED: Follow-up on the CT Required calculation differences and report back to Albany on findings.

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