OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00950
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Calvin Shulda (503) 455-9231
Contact Date: 07/03/2008
Contacted By: HOFELD, EVAN (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Update on Westport Water Association DETAILS: I spoke to Calvin Shulda to get an update. He said Westport Water Association has not run out of water (see previous contact reports from today), a merger with the Wauna/Taylorville system has still not happened-- there is a potential to develop an undeveloped spring (Knapp spring) to serve both systems-- and he thought that instantaneous demands for fire suppression could be served, but not for a sustained amount of time or if multiple fires (either simultaneous or on back-to-back days) broke out. Calvin said that before the storm damage, Westports water system had storage in their 149,000 gallon tank and capacity to produce up to 100 gpm through their treatment plant. After the storm, Westport can draw from their 149,000 gallon tank and Waunas 100,000 gallon tank, but water production is limited to about 35 gpm at their emergency connection in Taylorville (a 1993 water system survey indicated a capacity of 60 gpm for Waunas currently operating spring, however, since the spring feeds the tank, which overflows continuously, it is unclear what the capacity is). I recommended he work with the Westport Fire Dept and investigate other alternatives (other than bringing the Knapp spring on-line) for fire suppression (e.g. assistance from the Waun Mill water system). ACTION NEEDED: Calvin is to continue to monitor chlorine residuals and to send information (including recent coliform sample data) on the Knapp spring to the Drinking Water Program for review and potential approval for emergency use. Calvin is going to see if a public notice for 2nd quarter 2008 had been mailed out and if not, see that an updated notice is mailed out ASAP (a public notice for 1st quarter 2008 was delivered to customers in February 2008).

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3919
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