OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00575
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Doug LaGrou (541) 217-5310
Contact Date: 05/09/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Equipment Selection Assistance DETAILS: North Bayside Estates is actually two water systems, each with one active groundwater well and disinfection. One side adds liquid chlorine to the raw water line and has a 41550 gallon mixing tank that also provides 30 minutes contact time. Water is them pumped from the mixing tank up to two 2500 gallon storage tanks that provide gravity supply to about 33 connections, another 3 connections are served by booster pump. The other (South) system drips liquid chlorine down the well casings and relies on the casing and a 50 gallon hydro-pneumatic tank for contact time. Both sides have numerous deficiencies including inadequate chlorine residuals and both systems have had occasional positive chloroform bacterial and e-coli results. I prepared a report discussing options to improve each side (north and south) separately and options for combining the two systems with a single point of disinfection. Several schematic diagrams and a simple system map were also created and included in the report. Copies of the report were mailed to the owner and the operator. ACTION NEEDED: None at this time

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4117
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