OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92809
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Travis Lamb (541) 915-4002
Contact Date: 07/10/2008
Contacted By: LYON, CASEY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: alert- continuing coliform problems DETAILS: Spoke with Travis today who works for umbrella properties (hoodoo) who takes samples and manages USFS salmon creek falls rec site. They did replace the seal and packing nut as well as shock chlorinate the well several times in an attempt to correct the problem with E-coli and total coliform. He has taken one special and two routines in the month of July that have been absent for total coliform. The handle for the hand pump is back on and the Public notice is taken down. Travis took two more samples today from well and is planning on taking one more in the month of July. If problem continues we discussed different ideas on how to troubleshoot where the contamination is coming from including salinity testing and dye testing the toilet vaults located 62 feet away and the hand pump drain itself located directly under the hand pump. I also let him know GWUDI evaluations are not done on hand pumps due to the very low pumping flow rate. ACTION NEEDED: continue to take the rive routines required in July 2008.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1290
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