OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95127
Who Was Contacted: Leo Rainwater
Contact Phone: 530-650-5366 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 06/01/2020
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Plan Review Update
Reasons: Coliform
Details: 06.01.2020. New well is still going through plan review process. Operator collected 'RT' sample and an 'AS' sample for the new well. The RT sample came back TC+ and AS sample came back EC+ and TC+. Boil water notice will remain in place until the system is shockchlorinated and flushed.

Next steps:

1.Operator will verify the flow meter on the UV system matches the residential flow meter on the system to be sure the UV flow and dose is correct.(This has been done and both meters are the same. 6/1/2020)

2.Collect 2 Bac-t samples at the UV building one prior to the UV system and one after the UV system, and send them in for testing. This will verify the UV system is providing 4-log inactivation.(Will be done 6/2/2020). If the Bac-t sample after the UV system comes back absent for Total coliform and E.coli , we will flush the distribution system, allow the system to rest for a couple day, then take Bac-t samples at the Regular location behind the Club house, one from each restroom and one from the kitchen, with the aerators removed and the faucets disinfected. This will rule out any issues at the standard sampling point.

4.Based on the results of the test the operator will proceed with additional steps to determine what the issue may be and correct it.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4655
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