OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00237
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jim Stevens (541) 384-9776
Contact Date: 08/08/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: 3 of 4 repeat samples were TC+ DETAILS: Jim Stevens called regarding the 4 repeat samples that were collected on August 6, 2008. Three of the four samples were TC+ and the raw water sample was absent for TC. Jim indicated that he was going to post a Tier 2 public notice and organize a meeting with the water system board members. At the meeting, he was going to discuss possible corrective options, such as additional sampling to isolate the source of coliform by collecting special samples and correcting potential backflow and cross connection issues observed during previous site visits. Once the source of coliform was addressed, then he would shock chlorinate or continuously chlorinate (pending DHS-DWS approval) the system with a low chlorine residual over a short (about two weeks) period of time and then finally flush the system. After the chlorine was flushed from the system, then 5 routine samples would be collected in September. ACTION NEEDED: Identify the source of coliform (additional special samples form the reservoir and distribution system), chlorinate the system, flush the system to remove chlorine and then collect 5 routine samples in September.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3280
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