OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95057
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Rosia Rios (541) 273-0202
Contact Date: 03/27/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: SUMMARY: Nitrate alert DETAILS: On 3/21/08 I received a water quality alert for the Vallarta Grill in Klamath Falls stating that their sample result was 10.2 above the MCl. I spoke with Rosia Rios over the phone and informed her that a confirmation water sample must be taken. On 3/27/08 I spoke with Rosia on the phone and she told me that the confirmation sample was taken and given to Spring Street Analytical Lab but then was delivered to Neilson Research in Medford, OR. I then contacted Spring Street and was informed that they are not certified to test water samples for Nitrate which is why the sample was sent to Neilson Research. The confirmation water sample results are to be released in the next few days. Rosia also informed me that in the meantime Vallarta Grill is using bottled water as a substitute for their normal drinking water. ACTION NEEDED: The confirmation sample has been taken. I mentioned to Rosia that they have three options for Nitrate removal/treatment. 1) Install a nitrate treatment system for their drinking water, 2) Connect to a nearby water system that does not have Nitrate MCL violations, 3) Connect to a new well which will bring overall Nitrate levels down. Any of those options require approval by the State DWP before they are implemented. We are waiting for the confirmation sample results.
Associated Alerts: CHEM2879 - 03/20/2008 - NITRATE

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4506
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