OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00018
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Montie Torgeson (541) 926-1974
Contact Date: 05/19/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Discussed one LCR excursion in April 2008 DETAILS: Montie did not realize that the system had a L&C Excursion. He does not keep copies of L&C records so he could not tell me what the pH level was in April for the excursion. He said that they have had no problems with the corrosion control system. Montie does not calibrate the pH meter before use and he takes readings 2x a month. After a discussion with Montie in Feb. 2008 regarding the lack of data for corrosion control, he began sending in the required water quality parameter M/R info. I recommended that Montie increase M/R of pH to include both the distribution system and entry point and do it 3x a week or at least weekly so he can be aware of a problem before it gets too far along. M/R more frequently also gives him a chance to ensure that the corrosion control equipment is operating correctly. He agreed to monitor once a week and calibrate the pH meter before each reading. He will continue to send Water Quality Parameter results to the DWP monthly as required. I informed Montie that he is required to retain all records and documents pertaining to the Scravel Hill Water Co-op PWS. ACTION NEEDED: Check SDWIS in June to insure that Montie is still sending in monthly Water Quality Parameter results to the DWP as required.
Associated Alerts: CHEM1176 - 03/21/2005 - COPPER SUMMARY

CHEM1176 - 03/21/2005 - COPPER SUMMARY

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