OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91815
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Lori Dotson (541) 991-0001
Contact Date: 11/07/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Water system called regarding routine positive sample for E.Coli. DETAILS: Lori Dotson called about a routine sample that tested positive for E.Coli (note: official alert had not been sent out at the time of the telephone call). She was not sure why it was positive since the UV light bulb and unit was recently cleaned. She did indicate that the contract sample collector did not let the water run very long and that might of have been the problem. Lori was informed that four repeat samples need to be collected and if any of the repeats are TC or EC positive, then the water system would need to post a Tier 1/Boil Water Public Notice within 24 hrs of confirmation and call 971-673-0405 and inform the duty officer that a Boil Water Notice was being issued. Lori indicated that she has a copy of a notice template and that the restaurant will be closed until the UV unit is checked out by a contractor. Lori was also going to purchase bottled water and will serve until the issue is resolved. ACTION NEEDED: Collect 4 repeat samples and post a Boil Water Notice if any of the samples are Total or E.Coli positive.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1035
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