OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00966
Who Was Contacted and Phone: John McClintock, Rick McClung (541) 547-3565
Contact Date: 02/02/2009
Contacted By: KALISH, FRED (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Exceedence of Lead Action Level DETAILS: Teleconference with John and Rick to discuss recent alert for exceedence of lead AL. Sampling location is vacation home (33 Crestview) and does not receive typical residential usage. Also, sample was collected from outside hose bib since no one was at house. I explained that the fact that the sample was collected from outside hose bid and from unoccupied house that the sample was probably not representative. They need to collect another sample from house after appropriate use, from inside faucet, to get representative sample. If results are lower than AL then they document resampling and make case to DMCE for invalidation. They also should probably submit paperwork to select alternate sample location in same Tier for future sampling. Current soda ash appears to be working properly with pH daily variation between 7.0 and 7.5. I suggested raising the lower limit to at least 7.2. See file for notes of teleconference and copies of analytical data for previous lead and copper sampling events. ACTION NEEDED: Wait for resampling results.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4003
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