OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00965
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jerry Curtis (503) 516-6054
Contact Date: 10/15/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: SUMMARY: Elevated arsenic DETAILS: System testing quarterly for arsenic. Must now publish public notice for arsenic exceedance. Spoke with both Jerry Curtis and Drury Massey about the need for the system to move forward on treatment or replacement options. Must have plans to the state by Jan.1, 2009. Mr. Curtis has gathered information on the flow of the well to be 140 gallons per minute. He has been quoted treatment for arsenic removal at $1000 gallon which would equal $140,000 for a treatment technique. He has also been quoted $2,000,000 to connect to the city of Woodburn. Mr. Curtis still is pursuing other options in hopes to meet the Jan 1, 2009 deadline for plan submittal. He will keep our department informed of any decisions made. ACTION NEEDED: Public notice published 11/5/08 see attached. Continue pursuing options for treatment or well addition to reduce arsenic below the MCL or 0.0010 mg/L
Associated Alerts: CHEM3182 - 10/15/2008 - ARSENIC

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3487
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