OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95276
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Doug Boddy
Contact Date: 06/23/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Positive coliform at Pacific Blvd location of Pacific Perk DETAILS: Spoke to Doug on 6/23/08 and he stated he replaced a pressure tank at the site and believes this was the cause of the positive sample. One repeat sample tested positive and after flushing the delivery system, three repeat samples tested negative. Mr. Boddy supplies water to sites he owns as espresso stands in Albany. The water he supplies is used for the espresso stands and also sells water to customers by filling containers they provide or fills empty containers he sells on site. A site visit was conducted by Scott Kruger and Holly Skogley and Aylson Reynolds. Mr. Boddy was informed that he would need to post a resolved public notice. He was apprehensive to do the posting as he stated it would kill his water business. He stated that other espresso stands in the area using the Albany water system are not required to test at their stands. He feels he is being unjustly singled out. Scott Kruger spoke to Karen Kelley and she feels the espresso stands are part of Mr. Boddys distribution system and feels that routine testing should continue for each espresso stand and that public notification is warranted for the MCL violation. Karen indicated that Mr. Boddy may want to increase his chlorine residual at the source to insure that holding tanks at the points of service are maintaining chlorine residuals high enough to mitigate the formation of coliform bacteria. ACTION NEEDED: Holly Skogley will be discussing Public Notification with her supervisor. The MCL violation occurred in Linn County. Wait for results of 4 temporary routine tests in July.
Associated Alerts: COLI5289 - 06/24/2008 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4904
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