OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00232
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jim Foster (541) 760-3957
Contact Date: 01/22/2009
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Board members meeting Saturday 1-24-09- Coliform DETAILS: There might be a change of operator and/or contact person. They will be discussing the current E. coli situation with Co-op members and plans for correcting the problem. I the meantime, Jim & Bert informed us of some concerns regarding the distribution system, the systems pressure issues, past and present and concerns regarding the current work that was done. We did some troubleshooting regarding solutions to the E. coli problem. Rick Partipilo suggested isolating the system and checking the pressure in sections for possible breaks in the line. Jim knew of a few areas that he suspects possible line breaks - he will investigate. Jim also informed us of a 45 minute power outage last week and pressure loss due to the new pressure tank. Jim believes that the 1000 gallon tank is essential to the proper operation of the system and will address this during the meeting. Jim asked if its ok to turn the pressure off within the system after the shock to ensure that residents do not drain the system. I didnt think it was a great idea because if 0 pressure and line break contaminants could be introduced. I gave Jim & Bert a Circuit Rider Technical Assistance brochure and info regarding the state drinking water program revolving loan fund. Jim revealed some future plans regarding reconstructing the lines. We discussed septic system and loss of power. A possible issue is one of the dosing tanks overfilling as residents continue to flush toilets. Discussed recent lead & copper alert and compliance. He is concerned about faucets leaching lead & copper with water pH at ~6.3 - 6.9. He will discuss this issue with the circuit rider too. ACTION NEEDED: none
Associated Alerts: coli5971 - 12/15/2008 - COLIFORM (TCR)

coli5971 - 12/15/2008 - COLIFORM (TCR)

coli5971 - 12/15/2008 - COLIFORM (TCR)

coli5971 - 12/15/2008 - COLIFORM (TCR)

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