OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95236
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jack Bellinger
Contact Date: 05/28/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: SUMMARY: High nitrate sample DETAILS: October 5, 2008 Jack said equipment ran out of salt and agreed to resample. Contacted Donna Bellinger on May 28 on nitrate sampled May 19th and she stated the equipment had a short and burned out a circuit. System is scheduled for replacement and repairs. She agreed to post public notice until repairs are completed and samples can be taken to show low levels. Contacted Laura at Kuo Laboratories to confirm samples. Laura stated the firm had sampled on October 29 as I requested and tested again on 12/3 and 3/3. These sample results were not posted. I contacted Coffey Lab and spoke with Diane. She agreed to fax copies of results. Spoke with Jack Bellinger several times about getting results to DHS. Brad Daniels has sent a warning letter to Bellingers indicating that they are having multiple violations and must submit two quarters of NO3 samples before being concerned to be in compliance. Jack contacted me and emailed me a copy of the first NO3 results below the MCL. ACTION NEEDED: Repair/replace nitrate treatment system and sample/monitor for nitrate level.
Associated Alerts: CHEM3064 - 08/08/2008 - NITRATE

CHEM3064 - 08/08/2008 - NITRATE

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4855
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