OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00507
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Terry Saubert (541) 268-4348
Contact Date: 12/11/2008
Contacted By: POTTS, JOHN (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Tracer Study preliminary visit DETAILS: PWS has installed a new membrane filtration plant and a tracer study has been required by Amy Parmenter, DWP. The maximum design flow is 280 gpm, which is higher that the previous WTP output. I met with Terry to evaluate the new plant and verify that all necessary meters, sample taps, and SCADA programming and recording are in place to conduct the study. I reviewed the plans for the contact chambers that were installed in 1998 to evaluate baffling and capacity. (~15,860 gallons). The two chambers are flooded at all times so there is no drop in water level in the tanks. I requested a time extension from DWP through HBH and was granted to conduct the study and to lower chlorine levels sufficiently without compromising CT calculations. ACTION NEEDED: Set up the date of the study (most likely January) and complete report for system and DWP.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3969
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