OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91665
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Becky Adams
Contact Date: 02/09/2009
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Elevated Copper levels DETAILS: Letter sent states: All 5 samples that were taken on September 30, 2008 are representative samples of the plumbing. Therefore, the system exceeded the 90th percentile copper action level due to a result of 1.2mg/L at north bathroom and a result of 2.2 mg/L at the day care kitchen. The 90th percentile for copper was 1.7mg/L. Please do the following: Take two rounds of water quality parameters at the entry point in the distribution system. One as soon as possible and a second two weeks late. Parameters to tested are-- pH, alkalinity, conductivity, temperature and calcium. Also, you are required to submit one sample for lead and copper from the wellhead or entry point before March 1, 2009. ACTION NEEDED: I recommend you immediately begin flushing the distribution system and fixtures ( running the cold water at each fixture for 15 to 30 seconds) each morning before use by students and staff. Sent copy of results right away.
Associated Alerts: CHEM3300 - 01/09/2009 - COPPER SUMMARY

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 975
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