OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 95332 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Klaas den Heyer (541) 572-5009 | ||
Contact Date: | 06/04/2009 | ||
Contacted By: | DANIELS, BRAD (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Office | ||
Assistance Type: | ENFORCEMENT | ||
Reasons: | SWTR Operations |
Details: | SUMMARY: Discussed settlement of civil penalty DETAILS: I called Klaas to discuss a settlement agreement to resolve the issue of the civil penalty assessed on April 22, 2009. I communicated the requirements and deadlines that we were recommending in the settlement, $25 penalty upon signature, public notice hand-delivered by June 30, ripening of slow sand filter and meeting 1 NTU turbidity by August 31, and a tracer study by September 30. Klaas believes he already conducted a tracer study and I informed him that we would need confirmation that it was conducted for his current system configuration and met the appropriate standards. Klaas stated that everything seemed reasonable and that he would sign the agreement. ACTION NEEDED: I informed Klaas that if he has any questions, or if he thinks he needs additional time for any of the deadlines, that he should call Jay or myself to discuss his concerns and we could consider changing the deadlines. I made sure he was aware that if he signs the agreement, and that a deadline is violated, it would result in the assessment of the remaining $475 penalty. I will mail him an agreement for signature and await its return. |