OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00965
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jerry Curtis (503) 516-6054
Contact Date: 03/05/2009
Contacted By: POTTS, JOHN (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Arsenic Treatment Assistance DETAILS: System has an arsenic result over the MCL and requested assistance on treatment options and compliance. Samples collected since 12/29/04 have been over the MCL of 0.010 mgl. The latest Running Annual Average (RAA) is 0.0124 mgl. The system has been issued a Notice of Violation with a compliance schedule for installation and satisfactory operation. Jerry has contacted a couple of treatment vendors and received bids in the $200 K range. Jerry set up a meeting on 3/5/09 that included several PWS owners/operators from the Woodburn area with arsenic problems. I attended to provide treatment information and discuss options with the group. Attendees included representatives from Driftwood MHP, Chateau Ranchettes, Belle Passi and the Manufactured Home Association. Connecting to the city of Woodburn was discussed and will be pursued by Driftwood MHP and possibly Mr Curtis. I discussed completing and submitting Letters of Interest for the SRF money and bringing Randy Reitz from Oregon Water Services to discuss treatment technologies that he has installed that have been successful. Another meeting was scheduled for May 14. I called Randy Reitz and he will contact Jerry for further discussion. ACTION NEEDED: Attend May 14 meeting if necessary.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3487
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