OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01268
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dave Turner (541) 577-3111
Contact Date: 07/01/2009
Contacted By: BURNETT, GARY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Assistance Type: PLAN REVIEW
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Plan Review 135-2009 Inspected new spring SRC-AB DETAILS: This spring collector was constructed in 2008. It is located in very steep, rugged terrain approximately 400 feet, 30 degree azimuth, uphill from the concrete cistern. The spring box is constructed of concrete, has a tight sealed lid, valve on the supply line, overflow, and drain pipe. The overflow pipe has a hose bib valve and can be used as a sample tap. However, the sample tap could be improved by adding a second valve with a hose bib discharge on the supply line exiting the springbox. The concrete spring box collects the natural spring outflow from the rock bluff and is not susceptible to surface run-off. Grazing livestock or wildlife also can not affect the spring collector due to the terrain. A source sample was collected at the spring box. The sample result was reported as total coliform positive, but the lab noted that the result was likely attributed to a small amount of "soil bacteria". There were some roots growing in the springbox which were removed after the source sample was taken. ACTION NEEDED: OK to final plan review 135-2009

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2366
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