OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 06086
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Randy Loftesness (360) 576-5800
Contact Date: 08/12/2009
Contacted By: DANIELS, BRAD (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Discussed the use of water from Lees Camp water system DETAILS: Mr. Loftesness returned my call from 8/10/2009 inquiring about use of water from the Lees Camp system. Mr. Loftesness family has owned property at Lees Camp south of Hwy. 6 since the mid 1960s. The homes on his familys property are currently provided drinking water from groundwater wells. They are connected to the Lees Camp water system, but that water only supplies outside taps used for irrigation and fire suppression as necessary. There is an abandoned home on adjacent property that has collapsed but is connected to the system, but the valve which is located on Mr. Loftesness property was closed approximately 15 years ago. I informed Mr. Loftesness of our action against the water system for failure to meet surface water treatment requirements. Mr. Loftesness stated he does not rely upon water from Lees camp and will disconnect his irrigation/fire suppression if necessary. ACTION NEEDED: Mr. Loftesness will await resolution of the requirement to install treatment or develop a groundwater source at Lees Camp water system, and is aware that he may be invited to participate in an administrative hearing if requested by an involved party.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4726
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