OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94892
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Marsha Shulz (541) 855-1677
Contact Date: 07/23/2009
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Follow up on positive coliform DETAILS: 5/6/09 I spoke with Marsha and we discussed well chlorination procedures. I emailed her a public notice and the state well chlorination guidelines. 5/7/09 Marsha left a message saying that she couldnt open the well chlorination guideline sheet. I emailed her a word document summarizing well disinfection procedures. 5/8/09 - Marsha called saying they tried chlorinating but the carbon filter had deactivated the chlorine per troubleshooting performed by Clinton Pelleshchi from Absolute Water. Clinton replaced the existing UV light and replaced the sediment filter(s). He also showed Marsha how to bypass the carbon filter so that the chlorinated water can make it to the distribution system. Marsha said they will again try to shock chlorinate the well. 5/14/09 Spoke with Marsha and she was at the lab with a sample to turn in. She shock chlorinated the well five days ago and is submitting a special sample. 6/9/09 Two temporary routine samples tested negative for coliform. 7/1/09 Discussed with Marsha the next sample is due the third quarter. 7/6/09 - A routine sample submitted to the lab tested negative. ACTION NEEDED: Quarterly samples are required. The next sample is due in the fourth quarter of 2009

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