OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05579
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Colleen Pilgreen (541) 347-2100
Contact Date: 07/29/2009
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Request to discontinue source water disinfection DETAILS: Colleen emailed and said she had the monthly well head faucet testing for one year completed and all reports have come back absent of any Ecoli or coliform. So my question is, can the chlorine injection of the drinking water that enters the park from the water room filtration system be discontinued? The disinfection of the two 2500 gallon water storage tanks would always be continued. It is necessary to keep the water clarity clear and to reduce any odor from the iron content of our well water here. ACTION NEEDED: 7/30/09 Rick responded via email. Because the water coming out of the well appears clean of bacteria the answer is yes, you dont need to worry about disinfection for the destruction of bacteria. Although you are adding chlorine for a reason not related to bacteria, you still need to monitor chlorine residual everyday and make a written record of it. There is no minimum chlorine requirement (unless you are doing it for killing bacteria). You are doing this to make sure and show, you do not accidentally exceed the 4.0 mg/l maximum for chlorine residual.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2454
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