OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94249
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Paul Schnitzer, City Granite (541) 755-5151
Contact Date: 09/03/2009
Contacted By: BURNETT, GARY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Coliform samples collected, inspected spring area DETAILS: Burnett collected 2 Routine coliform samples on 9/03/09, and both samples showed total coliform present. A total coliform public notification is posted at the site because the water has tested positive for total coliform for a couple of months. This water source is a continuously flowing road side pipe set in a rock structure and is fed by a spring. The spring is located about 600 feet away from the pipe outflow, and is on the uphill side of a gravel USFS road. There is a valve box at the spring site, and a open pipe to divert the flow to waste instead of to the road side fountain. The spring collector may be a pipe driven into the hillside and the apparent collection area is not subject to surface runoff or other sanitary hazards, especially since the hillside is rather steep. There is no excess water running to the road so the exact location of the spring is not apparent. ACTION NEEDED: The City of Granite has been delegated responsibility for sampling the spring by the Forest Service. Paul Schnitzer will try to locate the spring collection pipe with a metal detector. Total coliform notification will remain and additional coliform samples will be collected at the end of September.
Associated Alerts: COLI6723 - 09/08/2009 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI6723 - 09/08/2009 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2797
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