OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05291
Who Was Contacted: Anne-Marie West
Contact Phone: 541-580-6076
Contact Date: 07/27/2020
Contact Method/Location: Field
Assistance Type: OTHER WATER QUALITY - make inactive source active and permanent
Details: Site visit made due to changes in source status. Sources (well 3 and well 4)are not new, but were listed with status as Inactive/Emergency and Seasonal SDWIS. Operator is changing status to have #3 well as Active/permanent and Well #4 as permanent instead of seasonal. There are no well logs for these wells. The only modification I requested was to install a vent (it is missing and leaves a hole in well seal) on well #4 and to repair the base of the slab for the same. Soil under the slab has either sloughed away or been removed by rodents. System has replaced the redwood tank about 10 years ago and installed a steel reservoir (60,000 gallons) with screened vent, screened overflow, alarm for high and low levels. All 4 sources have raw sample taps and chlorination has been in use for years. Sources come together in a common line where chlorine is injected and then on to the reservoir. Water system is non-EPA. Currently serves 14 year round residents and has 9 connections.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 281
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