OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05999
Who Was Contacted and Phone: John Cloud (541) 545-7355
Contact Date: 08/19/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Water Quality Alert response for two positive total coliform routine samples DETAILS: On 8/19/08 I called Betty Tyree regarding the two positives routine samples for total coliform and left a message. Denise from the City of Bonanza called me back and forwarded me to John Cloud, a city employee who is responsible for monitoring and reporting water samples and operating the chlorinator for the system. Four repeat total coliform samples for the system were taken yesterday, 8/18/08. John Cloud also mentioned that the water system (which consists of one connection) will be shut down until the repeat sample results have been determined. Then on August 20, 2008, John Cloud called me again and left a message stating that he contacted the water lab, who informed him that three of the four repeat samples were negative for total coliform. The one sample that tested positive was water directly off the pressure tank and well with no chlorination. John said he plans to chlorinate the well to alleviate the coliform problem. ACTION NEEDED: Since one repeat sample is positive, then public notice will need to be posted as well as treatment of the water, as the well is set to be chlorinated. Then, five routine samples will need to be taken the following month. The system will need to send us a copy of the Public Notice regarding total coliform.
Associated Alerts: COL15518 - -

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4402
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