OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01158
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Manfred/Patricia Doerner (541) 754-1033
Contact Date: 09/08/2009
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Lead and copper DETAILS: I was contacted by Patricia regarding lead and copper samples. She reported two sites #14 and #27 tested 0.023 and 0.024 for lead. She stated that she flushed for 30 minutes the night before and conducted a first draw the next morning. Both sites have been vacant for some time. Patricia replaces site #29 with site #27 without filing a 141-A form for approval. She replaced the site due to it being vacant for approximately 4 months. Patricia could not confirm the samples were drawn from the cold water side of the tap, the electrical breakers had been shut off to the water heaters. After discussion with Amy Parmenter and Kurt Putnam it was decided that because historical samples were low for lead because it could not be confirmed that the first draw was from a cold water tap and the fact that the sites were vacant, they were not representative of normal usage. The samples were allowed to be invalidated. The 141-A form was filed for two new Tier 3 sites that are occupied and will be a better representation of normal usage. Two new lead and copper samples have been submitted for the new sites. ACTION NEEDED: Wait for results of samples
Associated Alerts: chem3688 - -

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