OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00624 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Kevin Fear (541) 929-3579 | ||
Contact Date: | 12/09/2009 | ||
Contacted By: | PARMENTER, AMY (REGION 2) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Office | ||
Assistance Type: | WATER QUALITY COMPLAINT | ||
Reasons: | Operations None |
Details: | SUMMARY: pressure complaint DETAILS: I received a complaint from another resident served by the Starlight Village booster pump station regarding the letter sent out to residents of the Village (see 11/20/09 contact report and letter in file). He was concerned about the citys guidance to residents to flush their faucets for 5 minutes before using if there is a power outage or zero water pressure for less than 10 minutes, instead of calling the city to have them take a coliform sample. He was also concerned that the OARs state that systems need to maintain 20 psi at all service connections and that Starlight Village has dropped below 20 psi. I talked with Kevin Fear and called the complainant back to let him know that the city has a case history of a power outage during which the hydrant at the top of the hill did not drop to 20 psi until 30 minutes later, hence the guidance for less than 10 minutes. As for the rule to maintain 20 psi, I let him know that this will be enforced if it is a persistent problem and twice in two years is not considered persistent. I also let him know that Philomath is working with an HBH Engineer, who is reviewing their pressure issues (including surging pressures), and that they now have the DWAC BMP to follow if there is zero pressure, which they used to develop a specific procedure for Starlight Village. I asked him to call the number Kevin provided in the letter if there are continuing issues and that I will be involved if there is a zero pressure event or the pressure persistently drops below 20 psi at the connections. ACTION NEEDED: Await HBH review. |