OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05924
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Eric Artner (541) 210-6063
Contact Date: 01/07/2010
Contacted By: DANIELS, BRAD (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Discussed status of Eastridge ownership and operations DETAILS: I called Eric Artner to discuss resolution of the Notice of Violation issued to Eastridge Water Company, and also to discuss rumors that the property on which the water systems source water wells has been re-possessed by the bank. Eric confirmed that Home Valley Bank is the current owner of the property on which the wells are located. This property is a 12 acre lot directly east of the intersection of Indian Trail Ct. and Firehouse Ln. in Shady Cove (just east of Hwy. 62 and south of the Rogue River). The bank is currently refusing any responsibility to operating the water system, and there are currently no easements to allow access to the wells or storage tanks by the water company. Eric Artner is also currently refusing to incur any further costs in operating the water system. An association of water users is apparently willing to act as the water supplier, but nothing has been formalized or is certain. I requested plan review information from Mr. Artner for the new well, specifically a diagram showing how the well connects to the system and a map of property lines and sanitary hazards in relation to the well. The system still needs to collect initial monitoring for IOC, SOC, VOC, and radionuclide chemicals. ACTION NEEDED: Determine the party responsible for water system sampling and operation costs and arrange a schedule by which sampling results can be submitted.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2983
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