OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94632
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Shelley (541) 347-4419
Contact Date: 02/18/2010
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Positive coliform in samples 2/15/10 DETAILS: Spoke to Shelley who said Mr. Lau would be out of town until next week though she would forward him an email regarding sample status. January routine showed coliforms after chlorine shock, repeat results came back satisfactory. All 5 February samples that were temporary routines showed coliforms present. I asked her to convey the idea of drawing at least 1 of the 4 repeat samples from the well head, preferably 2, prior to doing any shocking. On or about 2/22/10, Mr. Lau called to discuss status and explore options to get out of the water testing business as the water is not consumed. I explained requirement to draw four repeats as soon as practical, one from well head plus 5 temporary routines in March. I explained that his water system met the legal definition for a public water system and as such sampling was required. He asked for alternative people to discuss this with and I gave him a phone number and contact person in the Springfield office as well as the general number for the Portland office. ACTION NEEDED: 4 repeat samples ASAP. 5 temporary routine samples in March. Disinfection looming if coliform presence is not resolved.
Associated Alerts: COLI7362 - 02/17/2010 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI7362 - 02/17/2010 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI7362 - 02/17/2010 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI7362 - 02/17/2010 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI7362 - 02/17/2010 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2841
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