OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00624
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Kevin Fear (541) 929-3579
Contact Date: 04/22/2010
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Pressure complaint - Part 1 DETAILS: I received a complaint on 4/19/10 from the same person in the 12/9/09 contact report that there was a power outage around 6:45 am that lasted 5-10 seconds and that this was the first time there was a power outage when the water had been running at his house and the pressure dropped to 0 psi. He claims that there are power outages at least every other month. He was concerned that this does not coincide with Philomaths statement that the pressure shouldnt drop to less than 20 psi at the top of the hill until 25 minutes after the power stops. Philomath had given guidence to the residents of Starlight Village to flush their lines if there is a power outage of less than 10 minutes and to call if there is a power outage for longer than 10 mintues. The complainant also said that he had asked the city to install an event recorder and that they refused. I talked with Kevin Fear, the DRC for Philomath, and he said that given the elevation of the complainants house and the length and size of the pipe it didnt make sense that the pressure would drop to 0 at his house with only a 5-10 second power outage, which he confirmed by talking with Corvallis Water Department and HBH Engineers. Kevin also said that the last time there was a power outage was in November 09, not every other month. He said they had tried installing an event recorder but it was vandalized. He said he will install another one. He said they are looking in to grants with the fire department to install a generator at the booster pump station, but that it a generator wouldnt have helped in this situation because a generator has a 10 second delay after a power outage before it starts. Brad Carr with HBH will be working with Philomath to calculate what the pressure should be at the homes in Starlight Village when there is a power outage. ACTION NEEDED: See Part 2

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