OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01172
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jennifer Jones (503) 410-8447
Contact Date: 06/23/2010
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Complaint response from MH resident DETAILS: Jennifer called complaining of intenstinal discomfort over the past 3 weeks, that occurs after drinking water from the system. She stated that 4 or 5 other residents also are experiencing similar symptoms. She also complianed of skin rashes. She asked what the system has been doing, as she had received notice of a total coliform violation. I explained that the system had experienced total coliform positives in the system, but that all samples were absent for e.coli. I indicated that she should consult with her primary doctor. I explained that through the County I am aware that the system has been chlorinated and flushed, and that chlorine levels have been raised to ensure adequate residuals in system. I explained that follow up samples were planning to be taken in the area of the earlier positives. She asked if a sample could be taken near her residence as well. ACTION NEEDED: DWP to relay complaint to Columbia County, and inquire if special coliform samples could be taken in area of Jennifers residence. DWP to follow up with county to ensure adequate chlorine residual is maintained and checked, as residual was 0 during much of the past few months. DWP to continue to provide updates to resident as appropriate and provide support to resolution of complaint.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3566
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