OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00276
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Peter Baki (541) 579-5263
Contact Date: 06/29/2010
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: response to OERS incident report DETAILS: I responded to a call from Nick May, PH Duty Officer, today at 10 am regarding a complaint of a leaking septic tank 3 miles from Curtin, in Douglas Co, up along Pheasant Creek, a tributary of Pass and Elk Creeks OERS #2010-1467. I spoke to Peter Baki of Or Fish and Wildlife, who was on the ground inspecting the area at 1pm. He did not see any evidence of leaking residential septic waste into the Creek in the area along Territorial Road along Pheasant Ck. He did notice strong odor from dead animal remains in the area, but 500 feet up from creek. I connected with DEQ on-site staff in Eugene, Randy Trox 541 687-7338, who was not aware of any septic tank leakage in this area. Consulted emergency spill response maps for Northern Douglas Co, and determined that even though potential spill was unlikely to impact intakes for Drain and Elkton, left messages for both systems at 3 pm(Gary Trout-Elkton at 541 584-2103, and Harold Burris-Drain at 541 836-2037) that we had received complaint. ACTION NEEDED: None at this time. DWP to provide support for any follow up related to OERS complaint.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3949
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