OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00575
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dean Brosi (541) 756-6000
Contact Date: 07/19/2010
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Source water assessment sampling for Ground Water Rule DETAILS: Spoke to Dean on phone for need to draw non chlorinated samples from faucet at well head on a monthly basis for 12 consecutive months. These are to be marked under source as Assessment and for Source ID include AA well #3. Unlike routine sampling if a sample shows the presence fo coliform, there is no need to respond, but if a sample shows the presence of Ecoli then please call the health dept to discuss. These samples are to be taken in addition to the monthly routine sample drawn from the distribution system. He said he would start doing this sample next month in conjunction with his other sampling. Also, discussed follow up to sanitary surveys performed several weeks ago. He said he could not immediately address much of what was needed. I suggested he communicate this to the owner and I would also get him a contact with the circuit rider that might be helpful for some of the needed work. Sent letter outlining information on circuit rider program and the need to hire outside help to correct the balance of significant deficiencies noted in the surveys. ACTION NEEDED: Take monthly source water assessment samples. Follow up on sanitary survey deficiencies.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4117
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