OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01279
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Walter Zajac (541) 937-2426
Contact Date: 08/13/2010
Contacted By: KALISH, FRED (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: SUMMARY: Plan Review for As Treatment DETAILS: Spoke with Mr. Zajac this morning regarding his intentions with respect to arsenic treatment at his facility. Mr. Zajac indicated that he had previously contracted for the installation of a centralized As treatment system in 2006 (Culligan w/ResinTech media) that failed. Based on recommendations from Culligan, the media was replaced in early 2010 by Culligan with Adedge Bayoxide media (w/o plan review) which also failed to perform. He is now planning to have Culligan install POU As treatment devices. I explained to Mr. Zajac that the State requires plan review and submittal prior to installation. Mr. Zajac explained that he could not understand the regulations and that they also changed which made it that much more confusing. I explained to him the plan review requirements and followed up with an email to him, Katrinka Danielson (Lane County), Dave Love (Culligan) and Casey Lyon. The POU device review can be managed under the active plan review number (18-2010) initiated to deal with second centralized As treatment (which was never approved by DWP). He will need to submit a $45 PR fee with the POU Plan Review Submittal. ACTION NEEDED: Wait for submittal.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3603
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