OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93712
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Paul Jennison (541) 757-5877
Contact Date: 07/09/2010
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: 90th% value for lead .050 DETAILS: Spoke with Paul Jennison on 7/9/10 to set up an appointment to conduct a water system survey at Inavale and Mountain View Schools. He reported that the lead tests for Inavale and Fairplay schools were above the EPA action level. He reported that the Orthophosphate used for corrosion control had past the manufacturer’s expiration date. He also reported that water quality parmenters were not being recorded and sent to the state as required. The school is not in session. Paul is obtaining new product. I prepared an enforcement letter to the school district which was reviewed by Amy Parmenter. The letter stated the need to take regular water quality parameter tests at the entry point and in the distribution system when taking lead and copper samples. The system will be required to take two six month rounds for lead and copper one before school opens and another in six months. Entry point and distribution system logs for lead and copper were enclosed in the enforcement letter. The system was surveyed by Ron Smith in 2004 and a significant deficiency was noted for not taking regular water quality parameter test and submitting them monthly. The enforcement letter also provided the most current public education template. ACTION NEEDED: Monitor system for submission of water quality parameters tests. Wait for results of the first round of lead and copper tests prior to school opening. If test results return above the 90th% value, public education will be required.
Associated Alerts: CHEM4247 - 07/15/2010 - LEAD SUMMARY

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