OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01222
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Cathy Van Meter (503) 952-6249
Contact Date: 06/30/2010
Contacted By: POTTS, JOHN (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Stage 2 DBPR revised SMP Assistance DETAILS: System requested assistance to prepare the Stage 2 IDSE report due 6/30/10. Upon review of sample results I discovered they did not follow the Stage 2 DBPR IDSE Standard Monitoring Plan (SMP) sampling schedule. In July 2009 the lab was faxed the distribution map with sampling sites and only collected one sample and that from a routine coliform sampling site, not a designated DBP site. System needs to submit a revised SMP with new sampling schedule for 2010. I visited the system and discussed what happened regarding the lack of samples collection. Cathy faxed Pyxis lab the distribution map in July 2009 so they could collect samples at the correct sites. I talked to a lab representative and he was not sure what happened and the sample collector is no longer an employee there. I talked to Gregg Baird, DWP, regarding the situation and I prepared a revised SMP and emailed it to DWP and the system. ACTION NEEDED: None at this time unless requested.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3584
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