OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00482
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Norma Jean Washburn (541) 994-5520
Contact Date: 01/03/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Water pressure DETAILS: Norma sent a report by email. 12/1 psi=22. 12/2 psi=22. 12/3 psi=23. 12/4 psi=29. Meter readers were out today, one in the truck & the other one yelled out the readings. 12/6 psi=11, called office at 8:45am & left voicemail. At 10:30am called & left voicemail again. Called Amy Chapman & PUC. 12/7 psi=19. 12/8 psi=18. Called office & left another voicemail. 12/9 left voicemail. 12/10 left voicemail at 10:00am and also called Chandler Brown at 12:15. He said they have been looking for leak. That evening no water at all. Called Chandler on cell phone and he said the pump was out & he would work on it tomorrow. 12/11 psi=24. 12/12 psi=20 in am. At 4pm it was 8psi. Called Chandler & he said he was going to work on it again. 12/13 psi=15. Left message at office & Chanders cell phone. Called PUC at 11am. Chandler returned my call said he would check again for leaks. 12/14 psi=19. Called & left messages. 12/15 . Chandler returned my call & was going to put in a new pump. 12/16 psi=6-8. 12/17 psi=9. Chandler said he was working on it. 12/25 called Chandler for 15 psi & said he would look into it. 12/26 psi=18. 12/27 psi=22. 12/28 psi=10. Called & left message. 12/29 Chandler said he was working on it now.12/31 psi=15. Cannot flush toilet or run washer when psi is below 20.. Has to pay for the laundromat. Dog Max is registered Therapy dog and we have not been able to visit nursing homes, hospital etc since it required for him to have a bath before every visit. 1/2 psi=11 but neighbor Bob Wentz had 22psi. I have not been rude with Chandler as that will not help matters. I am frustrate and angry at the lack of response from the state and their refusal to do anything other than lip service. ACTION NEEDED: none

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