OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00482
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Norma Jean Washburn (541) 994-5520
Contact Date: 01/10/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Poor water pressure DETAILS: Friday, January 7: we had 10 psi in the morning that dwindled down to 5 psi around evening time.Sunday, January 9:We had trace - 4 psi all dayTony and I went to neighbors houses and used the guage to get a comparison for the day of pressures.Char Grant lives towards the very end of Alder. Her pressure was 30 psi.Eric Creighton lives just below the Switzes and across the from the first pumpstation. His reading was 45 psi.Steven Lindsey lives on Doris/Bear Creek (just below and across the street from Stan). He reading was 18 psi.Stan Bates lives just directly across from Steven, but on a hill and his reading was 8 psi.Pete Ketchum lives on Stafford on the down hill side and his reading was 39 psiAnita (cant remember her last name) lives directly across from Pete but on the hill had very low pressure she said, but I didnt get a chance to measure it. But she said it was close to the trickle point.Maggie Vohls who lives at the beginning of Deer Drive at the bottom of the hill had 38 psi .Monday, January 10: We have 8 psi at 9amNeedless to say, I cannot do dishes (even by hand takes FOREVER to fill up our kitchen sink with only 4 psi going into it.), laundry or shower for that matter all weekend! We have managed to take a spit bath all weekend, but this is getting beyond old, not to mention stinky! We will have to rely on our friends once again for a shower today. Im almost starting to feel like a cowboy in the old days when they had to go to town and got a bath on Saturday night!!!Of course, each day I called Chandler Browns EMERGENCY phone number and repeatedly left messages with no response. As Connie told you today he pretty much has given up with trying I think. But where does that leave us? This is crazy. We need water. ACTION NEEDED: see enclosed

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