OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05792
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dave kammerer (541) 745-5501
Contact Date: 12/23/2010
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: SUMMARY: Nitrate at 20.4ppm DETAILS: Received alert 12/23/10. Amy Parmenter called and we discussed proper procedures for notification. Spoke to Dave and he was aware of the alert and said he verbally informed all the people on his system. He stated he was in contact with Philomath Pump about the possibility of installing filtration if nitrate was confirmed. There have been no detects for several years. The reason has not been determined. He stated the lab did want a sample until Monday 12/27. I explained that a confirmation sample should be submitted within 124 hours. We talked about emailing him a public notice template but he does not have email. Called Dave again after discussing with Amy that he should post a public notice with health parametees for nitrate and a confirmation sample could not be taken in 24 hours. He did not answer the phone so a voice mail with the information was left. He did not return my call as of 12/27/10 ACTION NEEDED: Wait for results of confirmation sample. If confirmed discuss corrective actions to be taken to include notifying Dave of the quarterly sampling requirements.
Associated Alerts: CHEM4637 - 12/23/2010 - NITRATE

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 564
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