OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00704
Who Was Contacted: Dan
Contact Phone: 503-409-7121
Contact Date: 10/09/2020
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Coliform
Details: Dan from Rickreall Water called and stated that the repeat samples came back TC+ (alert has not been generated yet). I let him know that the next step is to fill out a level 1 investigation form (as long as they have not had one in the last 12 months) and that will need to be submitted to our office within 30 days. He is going to shock the well and take confirmation samples. OAWU is coming out next week to help him fill out the Level 1 Investigation form. I emailed Doris with Rickreall a copy of the Level 1 investigation form at 11:16 am. Will follow up with Rickreall once an alert is generated.

Updated correspondence (10/12/2020) Received a call from Dan from Rickreall Water on 10/12/2020 around 11:15 am. The confirmation sample they took on Friday came back TC+. They think the cause is from the tanks. They are going to overflow them and then take another confirmation sample. OAWU is going to help them fill out their level 1 investigation form and get that turned in.

Received a call from Dan Rocha on 10/13/2020 at 8:15 am that the confirmation from the sample station came back TC+. Rickreall will continue to overflow the tanks and then disinfect the sample station that the positive sample came from. If disinfecting the station does not work, he will replace it.

Received a call from Dan on 10/15/2020 at 8:15 am. They determined the cause of the TC+. The valve from the sample station was open and some sort of organism crawled into it. They disinfected sample station and took a special sample which came back negative for TC.
Associated Alerts: COLI20410 - 10/12/2020 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI20396 - 10/09/2020 - COLIFORM (TCR)

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