OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00189
Who Was Contacted and Phone: George Newcomb (503) 658-8621
Contact Date: 06/30/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: PLAN REVIEW
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Unapprove work on water system, no plan review DETAILS: I talked to Lowell Patton, 503-658-5151 and he told me he has applied for water rights to the Carver Mobile Ranch water to use for commercial irrigation. He is still using the water from the storage tank for irritation. I left a message with john Unger, water master, 503-508-2394 to update him and find out if he can get the water rights. Lowell told me that he ha switched the water source to the deactivated well formally Carver Water Coop, 4100188. He told me he has not put together a --loan yet and doesnt know how to do it. I asked Lowell to contact Carrie at the state and she would provide guidance. I asked him if Steves Pump could help and he said they were out of town. He said he would try to contact Carrie to start the plan review process. I called George Newcomb. He was already aware that he is now on the Carver Water Coop source. He said the C12 is at 0.5ppm and he has been testing. Later, I talked to John Unger. He said Lowell can apply for water rights but the process could take a while and he may have to drill another well. John is going to try to catch the farmer using the storage for irrigation and take legal action. ACTION NEEDED: Joel and I will continue to monitor and try to coordinate the plan review. Joel will check on the chlorine level and testing periodically.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3266
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