OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93712
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Tim Trivelt/Scott Kruger (541) 766-6650
Contact Date: 05/25/2011
Contacted By: POTTS, JOHN (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Lead Copper Rule Technical Assistance DETAILS: System had exceeded 90th %ile lead action level in 6/10 (0.0221mgl) & 1/11 (0.050mgl). System uses a blended phosphate for corrosion control (CC) that was installed in 1990. AquaMag was used for many years and switched out to Carus 8100 in 8/10 after 6/10 violations. Historical regulatory documentation is incomplete as to submission and approval of treatment system. System was not conducting regular CC monitoring (pH, Phosphate) until late 2010. In late 03 or early 04 the system installed a Reverse Osmosis (RO) unit recommended by Endex Engineering. Written correspondence in early 2004 between DWP, and Hal Spence, The system’s piping consisting of new PEX plumbing serving faucets and fountains installed with the RO unit creating two separate plumbing systems at the school. Since the installation, all lead and copper testing has been conducted at sample sites treated by the RO unit. Testing was conducted 3/11 at three sites in the system-- raw water, non-RO and RO treated water. The raw water has extremely high levels of alkalinity (>220 mgl). The pH level in the RO treated water is very low (5.8-6.0) indicating aggressive or corrosive tendencies. I recommended that new samples be collected to evaluate treatment options. I met with Corvallis SD and Benton Co on 5/25/11 to discuss options for compliance with LCR. The report was reviewed and commented on by Amy Parmenter, DWP prior to the meeting. The SD staff has initiated some of the items in the report and discussed with Scott for guidance. The sampling schedule will be determined after further discussions and coordination with DWP staff. I email Scott and the SD copies of the tech report. ACTION NEEDED: As requested.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1418
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