OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95428
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Sally Hilles (541) 754-5657
Contact Date: 09/30/2011
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: confirmation samples at source were EC+ DETAILS: Primary regulatory contact is Brian Hawkins, Dept of Ag, who is on vacation. Sara Schwab, Dept of Ag, directed Sally earlier this week to take the 5 confirmation samples at the well. Three of these tested positive for E. coli, but one taken the same day in the distribution was absent for all coliform. I phoned Sally, asked about their current disinfection system (UV), age of well (10 yrs), and whether there was any work done recently around the well (no). I explained the next steps. Sally then emailed me the well log and photos she took of the wellhead today. I emailed Sally the interim protective measures of: checking the UV unit daily and sampling the distribution system monthly. I also sent her the "hybrid" Tier 1 Public Notice and asked her to fill it out and post it ASAP, and to send Brian and I a copy as soon as she could. Brian will take over as her primary contact when he returns from vacation on Monday. Meanwhile Ive sent him and Sara Schwab the procedure for EC+ at the source and the Groundwater Rule well evaluation request form. ACTION NEEDED: Post Public Notice and implement interim protective measures
Associated Alerts: COLI9704 - 09/29/2011 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI9704 - 09/29/2011 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI9704 - 09/29/2011 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI9704 - 09/29/2011 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI9704 - 09/29/2011 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI9704 - 09/29/2011 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI9704 - 09/29/2011 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI9704 - 09/29/2011 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 5219
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