OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94157
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ludek Winkler (503) 738-0302
Contact Date: 08/05/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Ground water review and UV system DETAILS: System on 7/26/11 review revealed that a not and plate was missing on the filter that allowed a treatment breach of unfiltered into filtered surface water. The UV light malfunction red-light revealed the system was not operating correctly. The system was flushed, reset at the time. The system was placed on a boil water notice the next day. On 7/27/11 the Hurricane was assembled correctly the system flushed, and a sample was taken which was absent of coliforms. August 2, 1011 James Nusrala contacted the system asking for a flushing out the eh system and another sample was required to be taken and tested before lifting of the boil water notice. Ludek Winkler stated a sample would be taken. I called Thursday and left a message. I called on Friday using a cell number 503-338-8732 talked with Ludek who stated a sample had not been taken. The next routine will be taken on August 10, 2011. System is still on a boil water notice. ACTION NEEDED: coliform water samples are required to be taken and absent test results are needed before the system can remove the boil water notice.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2198
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