OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94092
Who Was Contacted: Casey Nielsen
Contact Phone: 541-332-6774 ext 22 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 10/29/2020
Contact Method/Location: Email
Reasons: Coliform
Details: 11.05.20 - The L1 investigation completed and submitted to DWS Compliance office. Operator rebuild the exterior well box and had Bandon Pump and Well replace the well seal and store the rope inside the casing as advised. These issues were identified as the most likely to have caused the coliform contamination. The well and the distribution system were shocked with chlorine and flushed until the residual chlorine was back to zero. The operator will wait at least five days to collect samples.

10.30.20 - The operator informed me that he is working through the Level 1 investigation. He has identified significant corrosion on the well head cap. This may have created an opening in the casing, making it no longer watertight.

10.29.20 - Operator notified me that they had a positive TC in their last routine sample.
They are in the process of collecting three repeat samples and a raw water sample at the wellhead (TG). The park only has one outside spigot and a sampling point at the wellhead. I advised the operator to collect the 3 repeats at the outside spigot and a TG sample at the wellhead. The operator believes the positive TC sample was caused by human error during the sampling process.
Associated Alerts: COLI20487 - 10/29/2020 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1575
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