OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94111
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Chris Hein
Contact Date: 10/04/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Discussed coliform alert for 4th quarter DETAILS: Chris called to inform us their routine coliform sample just tested positive for coliform. He has requested to wait and take the repeat samples when he and a larger group will be up there to do a walk through of the water system. If he goes up there now there will not be enough cabins in use to draw the repeats. 10/5/11 I contacted Betsy Parry to determine whether or not this is acceptable. As the system has very limited use at this time of year I am not as concerned but wanted to verify whether or not the system would receive a violation if the repeats were not drawn within 24 hours. Betsy discussed the situation with Chuck Michael and informed me that a violation would be assessed if the sample was not drawn within 2 weeks of the initial positive. I contacted Chris to let him know. The system appears to have a pattern of positive samples during the 4th quarter. As Chris and I discussed last year this could be due to the significant drop in usage in September. ACTION NEEDED: Follow up with Chris when the repeat samples have been drawn.
Associated Alerts: COLI9725 - 10/04/2011 - COLIFORM (TCR)

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