OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94157
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ludek Winkler (503) 738-0302
Contact Date: 02/01/2012
Contacted By: HOFELD, EVAN (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Site visit completed DETAILS: I conducted a site visit accompanied by Barbara Cripe with the OR Dept of Agriculture. No boil notices or drinking water warnings were posted at any of the public sinks and they had make ice and coffee with the water. The UV was not functioning properly and sewage from the toilet was still leaking into the basement, near the treatment system. I traced the water line from HWY 26 towards the spring. The waterline was positioned primarily in and along a creek and frequently sunk below the creek bed. I explained to Mr. Winkler that that with the placement of the waterline, the supply could not be considered groundwater. We discussed possible options, which were also addressed in a subsequent e-mail the following day (2/2/12). Barbara Cripe conducted an inspection, which resulted in a Cease and Desist Order requiring them to stop of all food preparation and use of the water for making ice, coffee, and soda. The ice machine was disconnected and bagged ice was discarded. More notices were placed and photographed as done on 1/26/11. ACTION NEEDED: System to remain on a boil water notice until 1) 4-log viral inactivation treatment is installed and the Giardia and Cryptosporidium treatment system is properly functioning or 2) the system changes to a different source meeting OAR 333-061 standards or 3) the system ceases making water and food and beverages made with the water available to the public on a permanent basis.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2198
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