OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05737
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Martin Van Dyken (503) 429-2505
Contact Date: 02/08/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Follow up on 2011 Water System Survey DETAILS: Martin called to update me on Berndt Creeks status of attaining an on-line turbimeter, completing the tracer study, and ensuring the cistern water storage tanks are watertight, all from survey. He is still trying to determine appropriate meter, data tracking device and how to plumb meter sampling port, valves and return line. He is aware of Feb 2012 date outlined in Nov 2011 DWP letter to identify proper meter equipment and costs, but wants to determine appropriate equipment to identify correctly to DWP. He has a good feel for peak flow usage in preparation for tracer study. He is waiting for snow and freeze to end to drain cisterns to clean and repair leaks. I requested that he notify me prior to taking system off-line to fix cisterns. I also suggested he contact Rob Henry to discuss above and potential funding resources for system. ACTION NEEDED: Martin to provide updates to address survey significant deficiencies as he has more information. System will contact HBH (circuit rider). DWP to forward funding resource guide to Martin and provide regulatory support to resolve SWTR and storage issues.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2056
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