OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00425
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Gene Cox (541) 281-3008
Contact Date: 03/08/2012
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SOCs
Details: SUMMARY: System owner called about violations-- unfinalized plan review DETAILS: Gene Cox phoned in about receiving two violations postcards. When the database was queried in early 2/2012, it said this system owed SOC and VOC samples for 2011, hence the violations. Later in February, the sampling interval got changed in the database to once every 3 years (next due by 12/2013). I left a message for Gene on 3/2/2012 that Ramona Quinn of Klamath Co can work with him and request that those violations be removed, if the 3 year interval was correct all along.However, this system has an unfinalized plan review for Well 3, drilled in 2011, and Well 3 is apparently the only source in use at this time. Because the DWP plan review engineer received no response to the information requested in the Conditional Approval letter (dated 3/3/2011), Well 3/ EP-C was never entered into the database. Recently, Gene Cox requested a copy of this conditional approval letter from Marsha Fox. He had his lab send in chemical test results (taken 1/30/12, received by DWP on 3/5/2012). However, lab sheets were labled EP-B, not Well 3/EP-C. I phoned Gene back today and told him he would need to contact his lab and have them notify DMCE of the labeling error. I also told Gene that his engineer had never replied to the conditional approval letter. He said he would make calls to both the lab and the engineer today. ACTION NEEDED: Ramona Quinn will follow up about removing the 2 postcard violations, if warranted. When the additional information is received (as-built, etc.) from the owner or his engineer, the DWP Plan Review engineer can finalize the plan review for Well 3 and enter it into the database for this water system. Chris at Spring St Analytical lab called me and said they will notify DMCE that the January chemical test results are from an "unapproved source" (meaning Well 3/EP-C), and were not from EP-B.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4643
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