OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91707
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Anita Hutchinson (541) 367-4346
Contact Date: 03/22/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Discussed positive Ecoli DETAILS: Contacted Ron Andrews. School district closed today but Pleasant Valley open. I spoke to the director , Anita. I asked her to check the chlorine residual because the last routine sample from March 12 had the residual at .17. Anita checked it and it was still .17. She said she doesnt think the pump is working properly and she informed the district of this already. I told her to stop using the water for drinking for the rest of the day. Facility uses water for bottles and makes kids lunched. She said she would inform her stall immediately. I will contact district office again tomorrow in the a.m. They need to take 5 confirmation samples ASAP. 3/23/12 spoke to John Wiles from the district. He said he would have his wife Mellodie take the 5 confirmation samples today. The superintendent of the school also called and wasted to see if they could wait until Monday to take the samples due to the weather. I told him no, they needed to do it today. I also asked John to take a check the chlorine residual at the entry point and one of the other sinks in the building. He called back and said at the entry point the residual was 0.1 and the sink further down the hall it was 0. I then spoke to the kitchen stall and they said they were boiling the water before use. They had taped off the drinking fountains and were providing bottled water. ACTION NEEDED: none
Associated Alerts: COLI10291 - 03/22/2012 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI10291 - 03/22/2012 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

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